Guidelines for making the most of your people

Managing ‘Off-Track’ Performance

A performance and development review will help managers regularly review performance and identify problems early on. In most cases action can be agreed between the manager and employee to remedy any problems at the earliest opportunity.

Depending on the reason for the under-performance you will need to identify the action required. Under performance may have a variety of causes:

  • They are not clear on what you want them to achieve
  • They know what you want them to achieve but lack the skills to achieve it
  • They are suffering outside work or personal problems which is affecting them

You need to help employees understand the options, support and coaching you will give them and the timescales.

Regular reviews or job chats will help minimise under-performance but managers must be prepared to undertake those ‘difficult’ conversations with individuals.

If informal approaches fail you may decide to take more formal action which could eventually result in dismissal if employees fail to make the necessary improvement. Where this is the case always follow your organisation’s disciplinary procedure and ensure you or your managers follow the procedure.

ACAS offers a great guide to formal disciplinary action.

ACAS Disciplinary Guidance