Our Partners

The National Coastal Tourism Academy was established in 2013. Since its inception it has undertaken a wide range of projects with funding from:

  • The Department for Communities and Local Government’s Coastal Communities Fund (CCF)
  • VisitEngland’s Discover England Fund (England’s Coast project)
  • Department for Work and Pensions and UKCES Futures programme
  • Economic and Social Research Council (joint project with Bournemouth University)

The NCTA exists to support the visitor economy in coastal communities to achieve growth and relies on the support of our partners and supporters, with thanks to:

Bournemouth and Poole Council||Wessex Translations||Tourism Exchange Great Britain||Visit England

And with thanks to our Destination partners:

Visit North Norfolk https://www.visitnorthnorfolk.com/
The Suffolk Coast https://www.thesuffolkcoast.co.uk/
North York Moors National Park https://www.northyorkmoors.org.uk/
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Tourism https://www.bournemouth.co.uk/
Visit Thanet https://www.visitthanet.co.uk/
Visit Brighton https://www.visitbrighton.com/
Visit East Yorkshire https://www.visiteastyorkshire.co.uk/
Discover Yorkshire Coast https://www.discoveryorkshirecoast.com/
Visit Isle of Wight https://www.visitisleofwight.co.uk/
This is Durham https://www.thisisdurham.com/
Visit Portsmouth https://www.visitportsmouth.co.uk/
Marketing Lancashire https://www.visitlancashire.com/
Cumbria Tourism https://www.visitlakedistrict.com/
Experience West Sussex https://www.experiencewestsussex.com/
White Cliffs Country https://www.whitecliffscountry.org.uk/
Visit Essex https://www.visitessex.com/
Visit Northumberland https://www.visitnorthumberland.com/
Redcar and Cleveland https://redcarcleveland.co.uk/visit-redcar-cleveland/
Visit Dorset https://www.visit-dorset.com/
VisitLincolnshire https://www.visitlincolnshire.com/
Destination Plymouth https://www.visitplymouth.co.uk/

To find out how we could work with you or how you could become an Academy partner or a partner in the England’s Coast project , please email Sheron Crossman.

Our team has expertise in undertaking external research projects, creating Destination Management Plans and other strategic contracts on behalf of coastal stakeholders, which include LEPs, DMOs and commercial operators.


NCTA England's Coast Partnership Opportunities 2024-25