The National Coastal Tourism Academy is the centre of excellence for Coastal Tourism supporting the growth and recovery of the Visitor Economy through the dissemination of shared learning, good practice and the creation and interpretation of research that leads to exceptional visitor experiences.
We focus on addressing seasonality and understanding the nature of coastal tourism to help businesses and destinations develop sustainable tourism to benefit coastal communities.
Our Objectives
The long term aims of the NCTA are to:
- Improve the competitiveness and productivity of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the visitor economy
- Represent coastal businesses and destinations at a national and international level
- Liaise with government, politicians and national stakeholders to ensure coastal tourism issues are heard
- Share good practice, insights and research that informs growth and destination development
- Provide guidance and advice on issues affecting the visitor economy in coastal destinations
- Develop and test approaches to improve the visitor experience of coastal destinations
- Breach the gap between academia and the trade to facilitate the application of relevant research