

There are approximately 11.5 million people with disabilities in the UK – an enormous tourism market. Many disabled visitors travel accompanied by their friends, family or business colleagues.

All tourism businesses are required by law to make reasonable adjustments for disabled visitors, but what particular challenges and obstacles do disabled guests face?

According to Government research, of all the places disabled visitors find most difficult to visit, shopping tops the list, followed by entertainment venues – cinemas, theatres and concert halls - while drinking and eating out come third.

All of these lie at the very heart of a resort experience, so ensuring your business is as friendly as possible is vital.

To help, we’ve created an Accessibility module as an add-on to the Bournemouth Ambassador course. The course looks at what accessibility means and what to be aware of for visitors with learning, visual, hearing and mobility impairments.

Click here for the Accessibility Course, don't forget you need to have completed Bournemouth Ambassador first!