
Destination Check Up

What is this?

Future Aspirations

What does the destination aspire to be and how does it intend to get there?

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Destination Resources

What are the main reasons visitors come to the destination? What is the range, quality and value of the product offer?

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Visitor Experience

Likelihood of personal recommendations. Are visitors satisfied enough with their experience to do this?

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Market Analysis

Consider: What is the destination’s market profile? What are its sector strengths? What is the value to the destination, and the growth potential, of each sector?

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Destination Management Review

Does the destination have an aligned Destination Management Plan? Who is responsible for its delivery? How is it funded?

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Skills & Capability Review

How important is tourism to employment in the destination? Is the destination’s workforce equipped to deliver a satisfactory visitor experience?

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Industry Review

What businesses own and deliver the visitor experience? How well are they performing? How committed are they to success at destination level?

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Target Markets

What are the destination’s current target markets? What are their expectations and how well is the destination meeting them? Are these market sectors growing or declining?

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Destination Branding

What is the destination brand? What is the brand’s positioning relative to competitor destinations? How do non-visitors perceive the brand? Is there a gap between expectation (brand image) and perception (brand experience)?

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